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Sometimes you need a fancy drink to put you in a festive mood. This Pom-Cherry Spritzer is just the thing! @cookinRD |

Pom-Cherry Spritzer

  • Author: Sara Haas


A festive drink perfect for the holidays!


  • 3 cups pomegranate juice
  • 1 cup cherry juice
  • 1 cup frozen, unsweetened, sweet cherries
  • ½ orange, sliced
  • 1 small knob of ginger, quartered and halved
  • 2 cups club soda
  • pomegranate arils, for serving, if desired


  1. To the bottom of a pitcher, add the pomegranate juice, cherry juice, cherries, orange slices and ginger. Stir to combine, pressing and muddling the fruit and ginger. Let sit for 10 minutes or refrigerate for 1 hour before serving.
  2. To enjoy: Portion pomegranate mix in the bottom of 8 glasses. Add a few pomegranate arils and frozen cherries and then top with club soda.

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