Sara Haas, RDN, LDN

You Should Follow My Blog and Other Helpful Advice

Greetings and welcome! Do I know you? Well, I hope to! I am assuming you landed here after a random Google search accidentally dropped you here or maybe you were wondering why someone would put RDN after their name in their website address. It doesn’t much matter to me how you got here, it’s about getting you to stay and come back.

As you have probably noticed, this site is a bit under-construction. Please excuse my mess. I hope to bring much more pizazz and beauty to it in the upcoming months. Please bear with me.

Ok, so now to the real point here…why you should follow my blog. I don’t know about you, but I like things laid out for me. Paragraphs are nice when reading a novel, but not when you’re trying to get your point across. So, here you go, the reasons you should follow my blog, in no certain order:

1) Because you will learn stuff. Cool stuff. Not just why you need to eat more carrots or bok choy, but culinary stuff, too like recipes and cooking tips.
2) Because you are excited about nutrition and so am I! But really, who’s not?
3) Because you share a passion for cooking, eating and living a healthy life and you know I’ve got tips on that!
4) Because it’s your lunch break and you’ve already run out of things to research on the internet.
5) Because you know I will hook you up with really cool articles, recipes and other solid info from trusted professionals.

I think 5 points is enough for now. I certainly don’t want to overwhelm my new friend!

Check back often and see the progress that’s about to unfold before your eyes!

Welcome and it’s great to have you here!

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