Chocolate Cherry Almond “Bonbons”

Did I just blow your mind? Am I really posting a recipe for bonbons here? Yes, but pay attention – did you happen to notice the quotations around the word “bonbons?” See? You knew there was a catch, right? But have no fear, these Chocolate Cherry Almond Bonbons do NOT disappoint, even with my trickery.

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You Can Pickle That! Pickled Onions, Cauliflower & Jalapeño.

“You can pickle that!” 

decree Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein – from the show Portlandia

Perhaps you haven’t seen this episode of one of my favorite shows. If you haven’t, Google it, because it’s hilarious. The premise is that you can pickle anything. And they mean anything from dropped ice cream cones to parking tickets. The skit is genius and I love it. 

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Mango Edamame Salad

Eat More Salad + Mango Edamame Salad Recipe

I know, that sounds a little bossy, “eat more salad!” But, I really think you should. Why? Well, because my guess is that you’re not eating as many servings of fruits and vegetables as you should!

Oh, don’t get upset, I’m not mad at you, I’m just trying to bring some awareness to what you’re putting in that body of yours. The statistics back me up when I say that you’re not getting enough – to the tune of that 85% of us aren’t getting our 2 1/2-cup equivalent servings of vegetables each day! Don’t believe me? The newest Dietary Guidelines for Americans discusses our deficit and encourages us to shift to a diet that places more focus consuming vegetables.

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Secondary Infertility – Am I Done?

Are you done having kids?

I get that question quite often. Sometimes it’s an innocent question, other times it feels more judgmental, delivered with a tone that feels accusatory – how could I possibly only have ONE child?  And the question comes from anyone and everyone. From the mom at the playground to the grocery check-out person. And it hurts. Secondary infertility hurts.

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Natural Baby Food Book Review


Moms and dads, listen up! This book might just save your life!

How can a book save your life? Because if you’re anything like me, sometimes you are too tired, too over-whelmed and too strapped for time to figure out what to make for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enter Natural Baby Food by Dr. Sonali Ruder!

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